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Ethics Terms

Values:- deeply held beliefs and ideas about right and wrong;

2nd ARC definition for Values:- sense of right and wrong;

Morals:- values about right and wrong;

Ethics:- system of moral principles, norms, rules, standards etc.;

2nd ARC definition for Ethics:- set of standards that help guide conduct;

2nd ARC definition for Ethics:- set of standards that society places on itself and which helps guide behavior, choices and actions;

Code of ethics:- covers broad guiding principles of good behavior and governance;

Code of conduct:- stipulates a list of acceptable and unacceptable behavior in precise and unambiguous manner;

Integrity:- quality of being honest and having strong moral principles;

moral uprightness:- It is generally a personal choice to uphold oneself to consistently moral and ethical standards;

Honesty:- Not disposed to cheat or defraud;

Honesty:- not deceptive or fraudulent;

Impartiality:- treatment of different views or opinions equally and fairly;

Objectivity:- judgment based on observable phenomena and uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices;

Empathy:- Understanding and entering into another's feelings;

Empathy:- to perceive and to respond in appropriate manner;

Sympathy:- Sharing the feelings of others;

Legality:- Lawfulness by virtue of conformity to a legal statute;

Rationality:- based on logic;

Rationality:- state of having good sense and sound judgment;

Stability:- quality of being firm and steadfast;

Aptitude:- inherent ability;

Virtue - A particular moral excellence;

Work Commitment - sum of total of attitudes, beliefs, norms, traditions, values towards work in an organisation;

Fortitude - Strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courage;

Courage of conviction - to act in accordance with one's beliefs, especially in spite of criticism;

Excellence - possessing good qualities in high degree;

Probity - having strong moral principles;

Probity - uprightness of character or action.

Fusion of goals - sum of goals (individual, organizational  and social goals)

Diligence - Persevering determination to perform a task;

Diligence - meticulousness and attentiveness while performing the job.

Equality - equally balanced;

Equity - stands for equal share in the total for each stakeholder.

Responsiveness - responding with emotion to people and events.

Resilience - recovering readily from adversity, depression, or the like.

Rule of Law - "a government of laws, not of men".

Rule of Law -  "be you ever so high the law is above you".

Utilitarian - believes that the value of a thing depends on its utility.

Compassion - humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it.

National Interest - country's goals and ambitions whether economic, military or cultural;

Transparency - means provision of access of government information to public;

Selflessness - quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others.

Openness - attitude of ready accessibility. (especially about one's actions or purposes)

Righteousness - Adhering to moral principles.

Dedication - act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action.

Solidarity - union of interests, purposes or sympathies among members of a group.

Benevolence - showing kindness and good will.

Non-discrimination - fairness in treating people without prejudice.

Non-partisanship - fairness in treating people without prejudice.

Neutrality - absence of bias.

Tolerance - willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs or practices of others.

Equity - treatment of different views or opinions equally and fairly.

Equality - quality of being the same in quantity, measure, value or status.

Prudence - Knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress.

Wisdom - Accumulated knowledge.

Discipline - Training to improve strength or self-control.

Effectiveness - being able to bring about an effect.

Lawfulness - quality of conforming to law.

Loyalty - act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action.

Temperance - trait of avoiding excesses.

Humility -disposition to be humble;

Humility - a lack of false pride.

Golden Rule - "We should do to others what we would want others to do to us".

Work Ethos - moral ideas and attitude that belongs to a group/organization/department.

Work Culture - customs, practices, beliefs, ideas, values, norms associated with work - related activities.

Impersonality in action - having no personal preference or bias.

Attitude - means a person’s own evaluation of another person, idea, situation etc.

Persuasion - instrument for attitude change.

Emotion - any strong feeling.

Emotion - feeling.

Intelligence - ability to think, act, reason in a logical manner.

Emotional Intelligence - being intelligent about emotion(perceive, evaluate, regulate, manage, control, use).

Altruism - quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others.

Egoism - theory that the pursuit of your own welfare is the basis of morality.

Dehumanize - make mechanical or routine(related to rule of law).

Courage - quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear.

Politics - social science that deals with polity of the nation state.

Human Action - 3 parameters
Three parameters of Human actions 1. Deliberate, 2. Voluntary, 3. Freely done.

Family-inculcated values.

Mom - Love, care, compassion, service, tolerance, self-sacrifice.

Rest - truth, non-violence, discipline, cooperation, right conduct, right behavior, service, responsibility.

Natural Law features are rooted in nature, perceived by reason, by perceiving human nature(ex. homosexuality).

Positive Law - created by state, 
parameters to be considered
Three parameters to be considered in Positive Law are 1. nature of entity creating 2. nature of process used 3. nature of law

Conscience - act of mind, based on an intellectual stand based on wisdom;

kinds of conscience:
1. True
2. Certain
3. Probable
4. Doubtful.

Intuition - act of mind, perceiving without reason, based on instincts. 

Whistleblowing - A whistleblower is a person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, dishonest, or not correct within an organization that is either private or public. 

Citizen's Charter - systematic and organized initiative to focus on commitments of an
organization towards a citizen in respect of Standard of service, Information, Choices and consultation, Access, Grievance Redressal (SICAG)
 Citizen's Charter Role:
-social framework of ethics

-simply on paper
-no statutory framework
-no consultation process
-no update, innovation, improvement

Audit - methodical examination or review of a condition or situation

Social Audit
-participation of citizens
-participation in assessing and evaluating achievements of aims and objectives
-particularly related in activities associated with development
-involves understanding, assessing, reporting and improving(UARI)
2 aims:
1. understand from perspective of people
2. improvement and making the activity pro-people(citizen-centric)
improve Gram Sabha
provision assistance
statutory framework
monitoring mechanism and grievance redressal
Strengthen NGO
Role of Media(4EOFEMWC)
4th pillar of democracy
educate public opinion
organize public opinion
facilitate people's participation
expose corruption
monitor as watchdog
Campaigner or crusader

Corporate Governance - governance by a system of rules, processes and practices
independent of the owner balancing all stakeholders

Corporate Social Responsibility
-company's commitment to society
-a form of self-regulation integrated into a business model.
-World Bank defines it as commitment of the business to contribute to sustainable
economic development working with local communities and society at large to improve
their quality of life

Political Attitudes:
Emotional Stability
Openness to experience

Principles of Social Influence:
-Social Proofs

Values commonly associated with public service
-Honesty and Integrity
-Impartiality - treatment of different views or opinions equally and fairly
-Respect for law
-Respect for person
-Economy and effectiveness
-Responsiveness - responding with emotion to people and events


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